Saturday, December 7, 2013
little tiny men everywhere
how thrilled,
that 'someone'
must have been.
And he must have been tempted to go in;
He stayed out in the cold
and when he left there he told....
Friday, November 29, 2013
seven minutes of (the other kind of) heaven
vince and bola float you thru jazz casual with Outra Vez. Perfect with a fire in the fireplace, or if you lack that, as we do here, then spray lighter fluid on an old wooden chair and set it ablaze. (Hint: works best outdoors.) The popping embers of the chair and the smell of vaporized enamels and glue resins only adds to your heightened sense of perceived invincibility you will feel with the soothing powers of these music masters at their craft ebbing into your limbs and eyeballs. Yes eyeballs!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Wat da hey?....six guns blazing and bullets ricocheting off cutlery
We received a request! By phone! This is so rare because we don't publish our phone nr. Also, we don't even have phone service at our command it's near impossible. Yet it happened. We got a call from our lawyers and they said the blog is boring. They slammed the phone on us. So there is only one thing to do. We are calling in the bandito lobster gang (from south of the border). El crustacean invasion to the rescue. ....De Nada.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Friday dial it to 11 hasn't raised it's head for a stretch so we decided to go into session in our corporate "bored"room and come up with a danceable lil ditty you'd be a might pleased with. This is the result. Breezy in here ain't it?
Sunday, October 27, 2013
i so tope you
Since the Milkshake has led the way in identifying the most vitally important scientific advancements of the day (liquid ocean under europa that needs exploring; life on titan--since our ship did land, it's by extension, us on titan; and voyager reaching interstellar space a year ago, just to name a few) it's no coincidence that we will take the lead once again and hereby be the first to proclaim to the science community that stops by here, and all you other little milkshakers, the best nerds-in-a-sitcom-original-sitcom-song of all time is this small wonder from Mister W. in the most recent Big Bang Theory. Go ahead and press play and then just try to get it out of your head. Just try.'re welcome.
Friday, October 18, 2013
play this with your corn flakes early in the morning.... 2 am....5 am....9 am....or midnight even!
First he wakes up at two am; then he wakes up at five am, all the while thinking about his chick and l'amour. He hugs his pillow and dreams so many dreams. A tall stack o wax says this tune is coverable. Enter Maxx. And we have reggae smoothly sliding thru this baby with mexican trumpets and the hammond B tres and he makes this old tune into a stone cool ballad the kids will snap to. Double down on your dime with Keith and his flock and you get a groovy thang that just had to be. And be it is.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
If you go camping....
....enjoy wilderness cooking tips from this guy. Just watch out for spoons and cleavers flying backwards; and of course, flying squirrels raining down out of the trees. Har-har-har.... and ....ha-ha-ha-HAH!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Did you know he had his own song? (And did you know Patrick de la Boone done the executin?)
Someone contacted the milkshake a few weeks ago asking if there was a request line. We said sure. And not really. We led this person astray with knowledge and forethought. Why? Who can say? An evil streak? Probably not. A need to playfully mess with anyone so foolish as to ask for a dedication? Perhaps. But there is a human need, at times, to veer off the path of light and delve into the land of mischief. Good-heartedly of course. While this gets us nowhere near a segue into tonight's friday dial it to 11 song, it does lend some substance to the nature of the tunes: one an ode to speed on the cutest level and the other an ode to, well, actually, um, there isn't another. We only had the one song. Gee we're embarrassed now....uh, let's, can anyone suggest a song? Are there any requests out there?? Anybody???

Friday, September 27, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Melt musically
It's been rocked, jazzed, countryfied....sammy did it, dino did it, ella, sarah, frankie, babs, and too many more to talk about. But like all great standards it hasn't been done to the maxx until it has been done instrumentally by the monster 'feeler' on the 88 board. Billy uses not only all the black keys on this one he also uses a duel electric piano, and asks, in haunting notes dripping with lost youth, wanderlust and cindered bridges...what are you doing the rest of your life? ........ As a moon-shrouded double dip, we're adding in Ella's masterpiece rendering of Misty. She gives life to possibly the most endlessly heart-wrenching lyric of all time sure to carry thru the ages "walk my way.....and a thousand violins begin to play....or maybe it's the sound of your hello...." ahhh yes kiddies. Play these with scotch, re-doubled, and let everything just settle and calm. Mistify yourself. Go cool and serene. Like distant thunder from across the purple desert at sunset. Mellow is you. Mellow. It's lounge time. Lights dim. Feet up. Only the sound of your ice's wet tinkling in your cocktail. Because now, right now, it's all jake to the angels.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Walk don't ruuuuuuun and don't drive either
you maybe already know it's global Don't Drive Your Car day on sept 22, but you may be figuring you'll jog places--we're here to tell you to walk, don't run and we're doing it musically of course because we want to. It's also 100 days till new year's so start your christmas list and btw, what are you getting me? Ok take it away Nokie.....
Thursday, September 19, 2013
The Five, Mightily
Have you been craving some rock? Or maybe itching to let your yah-yahs loose. This little in-studio gem from the Who came about as Kenny Jones began his stint behind the skins. Dig the rawness and Townsend's got old black No. 5 which is sweet. BTW--unrelated, it was brought to the Milkshake's attention that NASA is just now admitting what we proclaimed right here last summer....little Voyager is indeed in interstellar space. To that we can only say: you're welcome science community and try to catch up with us. Hah! Oh we have to move on now. Say Goodbye Sister Disco.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Whip 'em on outta here
How better to celebrate Futurama's final episode after a 13 year run than with dancing Charlies and a 1960s flash mob courtesy of Herb Alpert, Lani Hall and the Brass doing Whipped Cream. Goodbye Fry and Leela, Bender and Zoidy. It goes down 2nite at 9pm cst if you are interested in seeing the crew ride off into the galaxy's glow. Glo-On!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
gave her
Summer is leaving (slowly) and fall is surely on its way so let's let The Leaves take us there because ain't that just the right way and Hey Joe is their golden nugget that was finally discovered by Jimi and, then discovered on youtube, and, um.... hey, joe, where ya goin wit that gun in yo hand?
Saturday, August 24, 2013
The Cadillac Is IN
Mailbag still open and porous. This: "how many work on the blog? Is it a solo deal or what?" Well that's two questions so we are having two staff members answer. First reply: many. Second reply: no. To elaborate, the Milkshake is a wholly-owned conglomerate with the parent owner overseas. The blog posts are wired over to the offices here in the states where they are posted by a worker-bee type of staff who work (and live) in a highly secure bunker in an undisclosed location. (Think of area 51 but without aliens.) Finally, it is cruise night part two so we take you on a guided tour of the miracle mile. Miracles still happen children. Just look at the Milkshake for proof. Definitive.
Friday, August 23, 2013
dark down
The mail is here. But it is going to drop one morsel at a time. Posed as a query author asks the Milkshake: "is there a favorite food?" And while the namesake suggests ice cream, the answer is simply chocolate. Who doesn't? I mean who wouldn't? Who could resist? Who could deny the dark bean of sin? The elixir of aztec kings? The freakishly intoxicating food that we live for. Beautiful chocolate. Beautiful freaky powerful chocolate. Beautiful....Freak.... It fits.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Me Me Me Me
BIG SUMMER NIGHT CLEARANCE SALE! CARS CARS CARS!!! RIDES RIDES RIDES!!!! Ok, now that we got your attention............your car demands all your love and attention. She needs gas. Needs washing. Waxing. And if it's the right kinda car, needs driving, no CRUISING, at night under the stars, moon and lights. Just utter the phrase 'Go Cruisin' and it takes you to a summer night when you were young. Turn on the neon. Play the tunes. Play the Knack's 'She's so selfish''re giving her what she needs! And tonight is the night. Join the action in the clip about Van Nuys and then....get in your car and go....cruising.... (I'll see ya out there!)

Friday, August 16, 2013
The Futurama tv series has been, to put it mildly, sleepwalking through its final season, till a couple nights ago with the Game of Tones entry, a funny, well-written 'sode with a touching third act, a glimmer of what made the show so great. Fans on are giving it very high marks. Does anybody use facebook or twitter? Do you use one more than the other? Tell us. Use the comments or tweet me....or don't. If space is the final frontier then the career market is the first frontier. Check out for a job board you can maybe use....or not. The very word 'Friday' makes us place the Ramones in front of you. What you do with this clip, how high you dial it, is all on your head....or it isn't....maybe you were meant to be directed by a higher being to crank the noise....or not. PS tomorrow is car cruising night. Come back for some clips that will make you jump in your barracuda and go cruising saturday night!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Frightening Speed
Then and Now. For 50 years Brian and the Boys have been on top. Here's an ancient clip from Shindig and Brian at the Rock less than two years ago. Little Saint Nick is never far away. So why the heck not play these in August, it's only 120 odd days till he comes down the chimney.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Get galaxy clean, take a meteor shower
Look up 2nite. Look around. look deep. Look loooooong. Why? Why you say? Because your astroscience geek bone demands you satisfy your urge to discover and explore the night sky and come upon a shooting star or two, or ten. Meteors are showering, streaking, shooting, scattering and star riders are needed to spot, search, satisfy, sanctify Wishing is optional --- but highly recommended.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Colors of the sky
Let's get right to the precious metals and let's let Bad Company sing us over to them and let's just enjoy the rock music because, because, well just because! (Because your ra-a-a-ain-bow IS overdue!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
HEAVY metals
Even though some of the populace is caught up in sharks this week....and another portion is all about Harleys....we here at the Milkshake are bringing you the best and most illuminating diatribe on heavy metals. While you listen to the peaceful tones of Azure Clam Cabal and their lullabye about the three-toed lizard from the depths, get an eyeful of the periodic table of elements and the images of our first two metals: Iron, or Fe, and Steel, which requires carbon and other "heavies" to make it strong. Keep in mind that stainless steel requires the introduction of at least 11 percent chromium for hardness. Steel contains other elements as you are probably well aware. Next up will be Chrome, Aluminum, and others such as Copper, Tin, Silver and of course, Gold. ABOUT IRON: Fe is short from the latin word 'ferrum' and is found in meteorites. Steel contains manganese, nickel and others and is the main ingredient in buildings and cars. Lesson over for today. Iron Man is very cool so he was included, as was the man of Steel, Superman. We are not a fan of men in tights but we are a fan of Godzilla tearing through steel towers in the 1960 movie.

Saturday, August 3, 2013
she makes your mouth water
Honestly, he just wants a girlfriend. If you watch the funny-by-accident scifi flick 'Revenge of the Creature' tonight you'll know what is meant by that sentence. He's misunderstood (like all monsters) and he just wants a friendly face (and body) to come home to at night after a tough day at the office, or in this case the seaquarium. Why do they have to pick on the gill-man? This blog firmly stands behind him and roots for him all the way. Watch for the cameo by Clint as a lab doctor. Ok. Nuff. He wants candy. You want candy. We ALL want candy. So go do what you do and git sum! It's Saturday night after all.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
Twangin' In Twees
Try not to get too excited tonight when you play these gems and rush around your mansion with your pistols drawn acting like you are running from the law, ok? Note: the first clip is the movie; the second clip is Earl Scruggs and a host of banjoers; the final clip is Chicago's own Special Consensus playing in Ireland last winter in tribute to Earl, who passed last year. Get your motor runnin', the law is commin'!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Whether Vain
One can take on the temperament of the weather itself. When storming one can be mad; when sunny one can be cheerful and sunny; when snowy one can be cold (to others); when raining one can be rainy; when foggy one can appear confused about things; and when misty one can be....misty. In answer to your next question...the thing to do is pour your favorite beverage over cracked ice, turn on some diffuse lighting and let the Hammond B three mistify you. Like this....
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Call Suzy Chapstick
Have you had your Me Too Moment yet this summer? Step into the zone of prettified, villified and funkified two-dimensional folk from the polyester decade. Seen any of your favorites whom which you are unremorseful?
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