Thursday, December 18, 2014
How Gold You Want It
The lure of running away into a golden sunset. The myth of the endless summer where all is warm on golden beaches. The lost illusions of PI stories with Phillip Marlowe under L.A. nights. The smell and sound of hot rods rumbling out on the boul. And B.W. capturing the hope of young lovers who have run away and got married, "we'll get by somehow."
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Oooooh looking for someone
You want to feel warmer than you are, right? We all do. Our milkshake staff was sent abroad to study your habits, trends and desires and report back. Nobody has come back for weeks and as fas as we can tell they are on permanent vacation, at least until we re-convene next March. So we don't know what you are doing or why you are doing it. But I guess as long as you keep doing it, we're cool. So we will have to wish you a big fat long extended happy holiday season and let that suffice. There's no telling how many more posts we've got up our sleeves this year. Let's leave you with The Sweet's California Nights, in hopes of giving you a bolt of warm air up your skirt(!) Looking at this video we noticed Tower Records in the beginning and then lots of stage work by the guys, on lead vocal here is bassist Steve Priest (who is still out there touring today, and kicking ass as always), Brian (RIP) is playing acoustic on this one instead of usual lead vocal, and then more shots of what looks like LA's Wilshire Blvd. Think warm thoughts.... but embrace the snow. Love it and it will love you. .... .... .... (Notation: We started and ended with the word 'you' because this blog is, as you well know, all about you! Yes, you You YOU. And we thank you for your undying support. You know, 'cause like, we like you a lot 'n junk. Ok now quit grinnin' and shut up 'n get outta here, you!)
Sunday, November 2, 2014
There's no stronger light than the one in your own heart
So it's only a mere fifty days away? So what? It's not so far that the fine ol spirit can't float around in the air any ol time. Let the milkshake blog be the first to say it. And be so kind as to pass it along.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Who Hits 50, And Hits Chicago Twice in 2015
Pete, Roger and the band are coming back to the USA in 2015. It's been all over the radio. Here's the sizzle from
"The Who, one of rock’s most legendary and defining bands, will celebrate their 50-year legacy when they bring their The Who Hits 50! tour to North America in 2015. They're making two passes across America, stopping in Chicago on each leg.
Wednesday, May 13, Allstate Arena
Thursday, October 15, United Center
The show - described by Pete Townshend as “Hits, Picks, Mixes and Misses” - will see the band play all their classic anthems as well as tackling deeper cuts from their catalog. Tickets go on sale Friday, October 17, 10 am cst."
We will be in attendance. If you are going let us know. We'll meet you at the show. You better you bet!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
she had another way of looking at life
car cruising junkies will dig the memory flick from 1979 van nuys boulevard set to driver's seat. Did we really play this one a month ago? Well we discovered a nice night cruise montage. My, my how time crawls when you are busy with your life. Maybe you should put down the remote, put away the dish soap, dry off, and go climb into your chariot for a little uber ubholstery darktime workout. Oh, the deuce-coupe fender cam; oh the tricked-out vans; oh the chicks and the jordaches; oh the jack-off-in-the-box; oh the car shops open all night; no worries, no problems, no seatbelts, no cares. Move to the trick of the beat. There is no relief. Take your place....
Friday, October 3, 2014
Hot Heat Isn't the thing that will burn you but it won't not burn you either, or neither, comprende?
There are some topics the milkshake doesn't cover. Mythology is one. That's all we have to say about that. Class is over now. Close your books. Open your m-i-n-d. See someone you dig? Catch her checkin' her look? That's fun! Maybe she's too hot to handle-- Maybe YOU'RE too hot to handle?? Ever wonder? Well we don't wonder. We just know. So do these guys. They knew back in the ass-kickin' 70s. And their wisdom is still true. And we like truth. Find your sidewalk-scraping bluejeans. Your mood ring. Your potato sack shirt. Go play this rocker and then go out hunting in the neon-lit night. Is the scene hot enough for you? Find out!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
your problems just a toy balloon, they'll be bursting soon, they're just bound to go 'plop'
School daze are in session and we don't mean to repeat ourselves, but this favorite that we played a few years ago beckons. We know you love it. Listen and feel happy. As the man once said: pins and needles, needles and pins, a happy man is a man who grins. Now grin. Snap your fingers. And make that sound with your finger in your mouth that sounds like a 'pop'. Soon you'll be happy. See? That's why you came -- to get cheered up. And, oh, hello October, welcome!
Saturday, September 20, 2014
sure it's like this
We put mysticism into simple ideas such as numbers, signs, colors, seasons and luck. You might be described as a red hot earth sign with the numbers 8 and 0, shapes of calderas and lava pools; or you might be a wind person with colors white and silver and numbers 1 and 4; or a nature person with the colors of clay and green gardens and number 2 and 7; or cool water blue, with 3 and 6. Blue for instance can be the blue sky of happiness or the melancholy of the blues. And then you might find yourself stoned blue. In which case, rock n roll will help you through! (And isn't that a segue you want to write home and tell the folks about? Hmmm??)
Monday, September 15, 2014
five copies to my mutha
Sunglinters can visit the nasa earth site to see the wonder and science of sunglint. Maybe you like northern lights. Seen any? Coming up on Monday night 9/22 is the opening episode of The Big Bang Theory. That's Monday not Thursday. Webheads go check out google earthcams and see what is happening on this little blue ball. Did you forget it's the 'ides of sept'? Things can be a little weird on the ides but nothing is as funky weird as Dr Hook's Cover of the Rolling Stone. Jeez we sang this alot in the 70s and jeez we we're high but it seems weirdly normal. Stoned. High. Silly. But....kinda makes sense.... esp. when viewed from a distance, ya know?
Friday, September 12, 2014
doing alright
This was the night you brought rock to the fresh-eared and set them free. Don't just play this one on your computer. Get your big stereo speakers dusted off and dial this baby beyond 11 tonight. Find the 12! Remember the words "crank it" ?? Well this is the one. Rabbits might hear this in your yard and multiple right on the spot. Someone once asked us if the Milkshake had a top song. We do not. But we do have a top 'under-the-radar' song that didn't get the credit it deserved. And guess what?....That's right....You are about to play it. But do yourself a favor and play it loud Loud LOUD and just groove on the utter coolness of this. Be warned: you might have the urge to run out and buy it so you can go cruisin around in your sled with it blastin on a Saturday night. No worries. We understand. There's other science stuff we could bore you with but why bother. Here comes the coolest underplayed rock song in the world. Period. End of discussion. But it must be played loud. here we go....sniff n the tears puts you in the driver's seat. Now drive it baby, put it in gear and let it rip and drive it far into the night til it's all driven out.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
good book sez
Well, well, well....sometimes we are impressed. If not merely by the celluloid itself, by the music. Oh the rock! Take our advice and, if you haven't already, get yourself to G.O.T.G. Preferably a drive-in, if you can find one. (We found one!) You will smile your silly ass off with those tunes alone and for gosh sakes fight the good fight every day. Thanks be to Triumph right here and right now and have a nice effing day...and night!
Note: this tune was not in the flick. It'll just put you in an ass-kickin mood for whatever you need to get thru on full speed in your finest hour when you might have to defend your own private galaxy. And you know what I'm sayin.

Friday, August 29, 2014
irr-rashonal, bee-yoo-tee-ful
A little space will do you good. The spaceship that is heading toward a te-ta-te with Pluto next summer, did a little blow-by of Neptune. Cool blue Neppie. Want to know how far it is away? Want the distance? Go to JPL and check it out. Need distances closer to home. Go to and you'll get the whole enchilada. Now food....what did the hamburgler keep mumbling? and why was he always thefting? Was he running from John Law? Did he suffer from the cravings? Or was he simply a disorder that hadn't been named yet? In the 70s we called you 'mental'. Go Mental. Let's go. Right now. 1-2-3-4 cue the ramones....
Thursday, August 21, 2014
One Under The Sun
Someone asked how we find these boffo dirges; but we garner no ego surges; we defer to the gods of song; we merely slide them right along. This one is powerfully lonely and wonderfully, terribly beautiful too; in its sadness and happiness altogether at once for you. "don't save your kisses/just pass them around. who's gonna know that you passed them around, a hundred years from today?"
Laugh and Sing, Make Love the Thing, Be Happy While you Make-
Sunday, August 17, 2014
like a double agent, both your covers blown
We never took Pluto off planetary status around here. It's still out there. Number nine. Deep. Distant. Faraway. But not without friends. It has five moons. It's got color. And we are sending a ship to visit, reaching it next summer. And Mickey's dog is named after it too. And Scooby-Doo is a dog too. And if you are a Pluto lover then welcome to the club. There!
Saturday, August 9, 2014
where are my safety pins? who's got my safety pins?
after fidelity-friday you have to have saturation-saturday and that's what we have with a double dipper of stone cold balls-to-the-wall rock from the ramones live with we're a happy family and the who collage of my generation and by-the-way do you know why space just goes on and on forever out into the vast cosmos with no ending well we do here at the milkshake control center and we are going to lord that secret info over you and not tell you but if we did tell you we would give you a heads up first so be assured of that and now we'll close by saying that this was all said all in one continuous sentence with no punctuation and that's pretty cool yes pretty pretty cool thing to do and not too easily done and just to add a footnote because our feet need noting it was done using the same word at the beginning of the sentence and at the end because when you are done saying all this there is nothing more to say after
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Saturday, August 2, 2014
raptures of what deep
Flipper is here and he'll make you feel good. Sing along. And here's what bad boys of the 50s got up to. Sing along. What are raptures of the deep? Tune in next time kiddies. Go flop and grab a nap. It's summer. Be calm. Smile. Take your watch off. Free yourselves from trabajo. And don't look down at the ground so much. Always look up at the stars at night to remind yourself of where you've been! (And where you're going.) See? Raptures of the deeeeeeeeep!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
this one speaks for itself. it's santo and johnny. haunting. or maybe we can come up with a more original description. we'll work on it. we'll work on it like we're working on our second million. not at all. but let's move on. everything moves on. people. seasons. months. july has moved on. sniff. a new friend is here. hello augie. where you been hangin out? we've been waitin fer ya. augie your cool 2.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014
take the air
"How breezy are you?"
"How breezy do I have to be?"
"Not at all but also quite a bit. Okay?"
"Okay. Cue the broad and pour the booze."
....and that's how it goes when you are cool and breezin' and floating from July to August with no cares. That is how and this is what you listen to when you do what you do to get to where you are.

Friday, July 25, 2014
Do you like the night? I do. Do you like the water? Mucho. How about bright glittering lights on bridges? Sure, you say. Then you'll enjoy Cool Change from LRB. Then there is The Cool Out by The Clash. And you should do just that....because we welcome you to a little theme called The Milkshake's Two Weeks Of Cool. If you have anything to share (music, art, books, life in general that expresses your apres cool) let us know. Use the Comments button below to leave a post or go tweet it at trb4320 or let me know by text or email or carrier pigeon. Welcome to our super stylish, july-is-morphing-into-august, double-entendre, triple-thick, quadruple-chilled, soothingly, unifyingly, transmogrifyingly, and totally coolificatingly "Two Weeks Of Cool", brought to you by your favorite quiet little wee corner of blogiverse. Cool, huh?
Friday, July 18, 2014
Monday, July 14, 2014
001011010101.......2 ???????? (--robots can't say "2" can they? Or CAN THEY!!!)
blinky aNd mE, Mo-Bot, haVe to bE leaviNG thIs m0rning. tHank yoU for lettINg us rUn yOur blOg. It is a fUn lITTle sYstem. We 1eaVe yOU with oUr favoRite roBot RobbIe posiNg wiTh some of yOur hUman fIlm staRs. Goodbye. sAy gOOdby3 blinky.
01101101101011011111111110 this is blinky. n0 g00by3, just s0 l0ng f0r n0w! He's n0t l00king, may i just say.........2 hEE-hEE-hEE.

Sunday, July 13, 2014
wh0'5 seXy n0w?
question #0111: wHy werE you aND blinky selecTed foR thIs? anSweR fRom Mo-Bot: wE aRE tHE moSt effIciENt boTs in The wOrld. ProbaBlY. aNd wE aRe fRee aNd eXPeriMental sO, doUble bOnuS.
question# 01111: wHat is with aLL tHe "01101101001101" jaZZ? aNswEr fROm blinky: i d0nt understand th3 quest10n. (((hEE-hEE-hEE-hEE.)))
hERE are 0ur iMaGEs taKen by sup3r hI-quaLItY ph0t0 mAchInes, kn0wN aS 'cAmeras' iN human 5peaK.
0110010010101001101 = bots rule!
input question #01: why are yoU a robOt? outPut anSwer from Mo-Bot: because i aM not a cAn-OpeNEr. hA hA vrrrrttttt. input question #011: do yOu kNow yOu aRE a rOBot? oUTpUt aNSwer frOM blinky: aND hOW! hEE-hEE-hEE.
rESt cYcle. plaY mUsic. seLecTion bAsed on alGorithyMS usIng tHe wORd mILkshaKE.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
"MO-BOT and "blinky" have taken over
The Milkshake Blog is now being controlled by our guest bots: "MO-BOT" and pal "blinky" and they will run things for the next day or two. Take it away boys. Good luck.
1001101011011001100000011011011101110101110101001....hELLo, My NamE iS MO-BOT. i Am gLAD tO bE hERE aMOnG hUMAnS. ANd tHIs iS My rOBoT pAL, Call hIM blinky. sAY HELLO blinky.
011001100110...hi my name is blinky and i am a serv0 b0t plugged int0 the bl0g mainframe. i am tired it has been a big day can we d0 this tom0rr0w?
tAKE it eASy 011. wE are going To bE hErE fOr two hUMan dAys. wE wILL bE mOnitORInG tHEir pUny qUEstionS anD cOMMentS. hA hA jOke pROgram rUNNinG.
Brrzzzzt. Vrrrrtt. Whzzzzhhtt. N0 need to talk like that m0.
jUST mY hUMor trACt rUNNinG blinky. tHEy ArE veRy hIP tO fUNny bUsiNeSs. wE aRE so gLad tO bE hERe anD we wILL be WitH yOu aLl nigHT and aLL dAY tomORroW.
blinky aND I wanT yOU to sENd Us aLL yOUR qUEstioNS and cOMMents. wE wILL brING yOU muSic tOo.
oK. We wiSH tO juSt sAY welcOME and we aRE sO glAd we Are wITH you. GooDBye For NOW frOM bOTH blinky and Me.
zhhhhhhht. vvvvvvrrrrtttt.
the way you feel inside, but feelin it outside
We luv us some summer rain don't we? Yessssssuuummm! Thank god there is a sedaka to make us feel like the rainstorm sounds--and tastes! And do you dig laughter in the rain? Then go for a stroll. The milkshake is blogging right now in it....and laughing!! Okay our robots are here but not hooked in to the tower yet. But we will prep them and make them tre comfy and they will be ready and you will know it soon. But they will be ready either tonight or tomorrow so keep coming back and tell more of your friends. BTW--Scientists, where are you? There is science in rain and in laughter and of course robots so get yer rhombus over here. Feetnote: There were more than a thousand views last night so the word is gettin' around. Three of you have already contacted us with comments/questions for our 'bots. Cool! Keep 'em coming. Remember to use the comments below or tweet me at trb4320 or shout as you roll past the milkshake blog office anything you'd like a robot to dish. One final note: there will be imagess of the bots posted so make sure to check 'em out. Along with all their robotical jargon. The next post is all them. See ya soon. Later alligator!
Friday, July 11, 2014
10 cent coke and a spastic creep
How was your July 11 slurpee today? Checking the stars and moon? What is your sign? How is your aura? Ok, peel off your worries and calm it down a notch. Time to drop you some content. Our guest bloggers are here in town and they will be plugging in to the blog shortly. Check back often and keep an eye on us. They are robots and they will answer you automatically. Their diodes will fire off and their circuits will heat up. Use the comments box down below or the other ways you know of to fire your queries in to us. And now we open our Mailbag questions: Q: how old are you? A: Old enough to remember 10 cent cokes, and fifteen cent hamburgers! Q: is space and time one and the same, and will we time travel? A: Ummmm, yes and, yes, naturally! Q: do you give your staff time off during the winter? A: Too personal! Q: if you were a color which specific hue would it be? A: Bacardi Gold, natch! Last Q: will we ever reach nirvana? A: We've reached it already, didn't you know, now kick back and relax. Here's a little blast of warmth for your pleasure. How's YOUR bod, cousin?
Monday, July 7, 2014
spoil it all
Are you summerin' it up good? Are you dialing up wls 94.7 and rockin? Do you got your johnny b. goode crankin? Ok. Hit the frogger. Hit the fast lane. Hit the fishin' hole. Hit the iced latte. Hit the icee. And hit dat thang too while your groovin' along. All systems go up in the tower over here. All lights green. All switches pulled. Meanwhile 7 and 7.... There's a special someone out know who it is....your baby....maybe you've said something stupid you wish you could take right back....but then again maybe not.
Friday, July 4, 2014
and that's all right with me
Spirit of America was Craig Breedlove's turbojet. He flew along the ground in it and brought attention to the Bonneville Salt Flats. Brian Wilson waxed this tune in honor of him years later and we as a country went nuts over it as patriotic. Also, as long as we're gulpin' the 70s, let's throw Chevy Van in there and twofer yer ass up all day long. Happy 238th anniversary baby!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
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