Do you like the night? I do. Do you like the water? Mucho. How about bright glittering lights on bridges? Sure, you say. Then you'll enjoy Cool Change from LRB. Then there is The Cool Out by The Clash. And you should do just that....because we welcome you to a little theme called The Milkshake's Two Weeks Of Cool. If you have anything to share (music, art, books, life in general that expresses your apres cool) let us know. Use the Comments button below to leave a post or go tweet it at trb4320 or let me know by text or email or carrier pigeon. Welcome to our super stylish, july-is-morphing-into-august, double-entendre, triple-thick, quadruple-chilled, soothingly, unifyingly, transmogrifyingly, and totally coolificatingly "Two Weeks Of Cool", brought to you by your favorite quiet little wee corner of blogiverse. Cool, huh?