Monday, September 29, 2014
your problems just a toy balloon, they'll be bursting soon, they're just bound to go 'plop'
School daze are in session and we don't mean to repeat ourselves, but this favorite that we played a few years ago beckons. We know you love it. Listen and feel happy. As the man once said: pins and needles, needles and pins, a happy man is a man who grins. Now grin. Snap your fingers. And make that sound with your finger in your mouth that sounds like a 'pop'. Soon you'll be happy. See? That's why you came -- to get cheered up. And, oh, hello October, welcome!
Saturday, September 20, 2014
sure it's like this
We put mysticism into simple ideas such as numbers, signs, colors, seasons and luck. You might be described as a red hot earth sign with the numbers 8 and 0, shapes of calderas and lava pools; or you might be a wind person with colors white and silver and numbers 1 and 4; or a nature person with the colors of clay and green gardens and number 2 and 7; or cool water blue, with 3 and 6. Blue for instance can be the blue sky of happiness or the melancholy of the blues. And then you might find yourself stoned blue. In which case, rock n roll will help you through! (And isn't that a segue you want to write home and tell the folks about? Hmmm??)
Monday, September 15, 2014
five copies to my mutha
Sunglinters can visit the nasa earth site to see the wonder and science of sunglint. Maybe you like northern lights. Seen any? Coming up on Monday night 9/22 is the opening episode of The Big Bang Theory. That's Monday not Thursday. Webheads go check out google earthcams and see what is happening on this little blue ball. Did you forget it's the 'ides of sept'? Things can be a little weird on the ides but nothing is as funky weird as Dr Hook's Cover of the Rolling Stone. Jeez we sang this alot in the 70s and jeez we we're high but it seems weirdly normal. Stoned. High. Silly. But....kinda makes sense.... esp. when viewed from a distance, ya know?
Friday, September 12, 2014
doing alright
This was the night you brought rock to the fresh-eared and set them free. Don't just play this one on your computer. Get your big stereo speakers dusted off and dial this baby beyond 11 tonight. Find the 12! Remember the words "crank it" ?? Well this is the one. Rabbits might hear this in your yard and multiple right on the spot. Someone once asked us if the Milkshake had a top song. We do not. But we do have a top 'under-the-radar' song that didn't get the credit it deserved. And guess what?....That's right....You are about to play it. But do yourself a favor and play it loud Loud LOUD and just groove on the utter coolness of this. Be warned: you might have the urge to run out and buy it so you can go cruisin around in your sled with it blastin on a Saturday night. No worries. We understand. There's other science stuff we could bore you with but why bother. Here comes the coolest underplayed rock song in the world. Period. End of discussion. But it must be played loud. here we go....sniff n the tears puts you in the driver's seat. Now drive it baby, put it in gear and let it rip and drive it far into the night til it's all driven out.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
good book sez
Well, well, well....sometimes we are impressed. If not merely by the celluloid itself, by the music. Oh the rock! Take our advice and, if you haven't already, get yourself to G.O.T.G. Preferably a drive-in, if you can find one. (We found one!) You will smile your silly ass off with those tunes alone and for gosh sakes fight the good fight every day. Thanks be to Triumph right here and right now and have a nice effing day...and night!
Note: this tune was not in the flick. It'll just put you in an ass-kickin mood for whatever you need to get thru on full speed in your finest hour when you might have to defend your own private galaxy. And you know what I'm sayin.

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