Friday, December 11, 2015
Sand Ridin'
All you need is a dune buggy and an 8-track blasting Darlin and you'll be bringin' the rock n roll to the galaxy. As we travel outward we should rock the solar system. What's the SPF on a beach like that anyway? Get an earful of the Beach Boys great tune and then get over to check out all the latest photos and get your dune on!
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Everyone and their brother has rendered this tune immortal and the master just belted it out here a couple months ago. Maybe he was really into Cecil B. DeMille and maybe he had another song called Samson that maybe just didn't go over as well so he scrapped it and maybe he had to ask the unanswerable question of why, Delilah....lots of maybes here. But no doubting one thing. We're back, after a little sojourn, but we're back baby, to bring the milkshake to ya. (Who else would we bring it to?) Oh yeah....hello again.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
yes i am
Let's come home with an anthem rock classic from 19and70 with those CTAers. Terry Kath, anyone? This one is more than eight minutes of flurrying freaky 70s rock-o-la rock live ala kath-cago in the glory daze of puffin-powered petulance. Poof! Smoke it up kiddies! The second is from a guy who crossed generations and influenced many and this is his ode to crooked human hearts with luscious lampooning we always love.
Look to the sea
We're gonna 70s you up the rest of august with big rock hits from the Me decade. We were young, we were listening to power rock and super bowl of rock and we were listening to all the great DJs on AM radio. There were plenty of songs about sailing and this was one of them. ....with me now, sing it!
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Cool Low Jag
Two-fering you up to complete the surf jaguar weekend we splash down with the Lively Ones Surf Rider from 1963. Our dance our dime. Rev and percolate gently.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
a revealing dimness
Pushing deep into summer we'll call upon nobody else but The Belairs to execute their smoothly intoxicating, richly rewarding, languishingly soulful, everlastingly eargasmly entertaining haunting soul surf jaguar guitar masterpiece Bedlam. Not to build it up too much. Now turn your laterns to low-glo.....
Saturday, August 1, 2015
539.89 MPH (say it outloud for effect) Courage and Luck
A daring young man played a dangerous game.... so said Brian's lyrics, fifty one years ago. This milkshake is for you Craig, and for Brian, and for the daring young and old, and for beautiful, free, tough, ass-kicking America. The second clip is a real gem: actual footage from his famous run and near fatal ending. Check out his emotion the last couple minutes, especially with his dad (in sweater) and his crew. Look at his dad's face at 5:44 and further. Overwhelming.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
drift off key
doing nothing is something so come get lost with us as we drift over the warm coral reef and later we float off among the stars with stan and charlie
Friday, July 10, 2015
why won't we wind up wanting what we wished we waited for?
New Horizons draws a bead ever nearer to our friend Pluto. You knew that, 'cause you still read. The key days are coming July 14 and beyond when data and snaps come flying back to us. What else can we scoop you with....what if you zip-lined to work? Took a submarine? Rode a giant water slide? Or walked an endless pedway around the world just for giggles. Dream the dreams now, don't wait. Go ahead they remain free, no ads preceed their viewing. Watching this interesting hatari vid someone cleverly put together is free too. Add some Kiss Me Deadly by Reel Big Fish and, well, your night is now complete, isn't it? ISN'T IT!? Okay then. know what you like.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Lunar Bark In The Key Of Warm
Friday, July 3, 2015
wrote a letter to my friend
Have any other names for The Net? Our staff found: the webindrome; the datum-grinder; and the Click-o-scope. Users were: nut-flickers; webblers; and byters. Other bits from the edge of reason: do you know about ghost nets? How about shadow IPs? or Grey Hats? We don't. And don't explain any of it because we really don't care. See, it's July now and we're busy doin nothin. Take it away Brian, you put it perfectly....
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Don't ever follow, go your own way
The summer of New Horizons is upon us. So naturally, we'll get all spaced n shit with CandyO a little techno ass kicker from the late 70s. This is without a doubt an '11' on your stereo. Try it, you'll like it.
Ok and after that check the New Horizons video. New Horizons, if you didn't already hear, is the fastest lil muther ever built by mankind. It's racing at Pluto for a July 14 visit. What will we find? Is Pluto made of colored ice like a snow cone? Is it dotted with rock candy mines? Does it have molten chocolate fudge calderas? We don't know. But we want to know. God bless our bold will to discover. May it push us onward.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Hi Summer, We've Been Waiting For Ya
What year are you? Everyone seems to be particularly fond of a year in their youth. Maybe even stuck there in the mind. Personally, we drift thru the mid 70s. These two songs are filling the studio here at the milkshake with 70s summer memories so thick we have to grope for our 8-track cassette on fingers laden with mood rings, clutching thru a haze of funny smelling smoke trapped in our potato shirt for beach babies and that elusive sky hi high. And you???
Friday, June 19, 2015
feels so good, it must be wrong
Our staff here at the control tower was busy compiling today when they were posed this statement: You might not want what you got, but you got what you need, and sometimes, you wind up having what you'd rather not but you keep it anyway, and sometime later you are glad you did. This was some freaked up phrasing. The only rational course of action after that was to enjoy Dr. Hook's Freakers Ball and laugh. "C'mon babies grease your lips" And Laugh. "and don't forget to bring your whips" AND LAUGH! Go smear your body up with butter! (These guys are still out there doin' their thing. No shit. Rock on.)
Friday, June 12, 2015
Waves Again
Anyhow, we want the airwaves. That is succinct. What's out there that you want? MST3K? Missile Command? How about those timelapse projects? Keep up with the New Horizons space ship which is fast approaching Pluto. It will arrive in a month. Mark July 14th. It's the big space story of the year. Now the Ramones make their demands clear. We like that. Don't you?
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Thursday, June 4, 2015
When Wellness Gives Way To Starryness; Wordiness Becomes Satisfyingly Emboldening
How are your words? Are they smacked up? Are they jivvy? Or are they just plain plain? While you are deciding you can think about watching a NASA flying saucer test this weekend. Info below. Get your June moving and don't let your weekend drag around on the ground. Are you a certain year? Did you get stuck there? What is it? Somewhere in the robonomical 80s? The eight-mile-high 60s? The freaky freaked freaking 70s. Think about it while you play starman and while you think of words to describe yourself and the world and the juxtaposition of both. We'll wait here while you work on your worthiness.
When and where do I tune in to see a flying saucer? According to the NASA website: NASA commentary will be carried on NASA TV and on the Web at and

Thursday, May 14, 2015
Long Live Rock!
....ageless and two and a half hours later deafness, (still deaf today) and oh yeah, joy! The Who....anytime, anyhow, anywhere. No truer words.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Sunday, May 10, 2015
tee vee under the sea
Foggy weather blurs reality, so does misting rainy springtime days, so does television, especially 60s -70s tv sitcoms. So live long and prosper within your fog of retro-ness and go watch your endless reruns of the Bunch, and Hogan and what-what-what. Note from tv blathersville: Ricou Browning, who played the Gill Man in the "Creature" movies, and consulted on James Bond movies whenever there were underwater sequence, wrote and produced the Flipper tv series (and guest starred in a few episodes). The man literally lived underwater and still does. He is the only surviving Universal monster. He's going strong in his 80s.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Early Who concert cuts into Barbara Ann. They idolized Brian and The Beach Boys and played the tune everywhere they went with Keith Moon tackling Brian's falsetto lead and doing a nice job. Later in the 70s Moon, Al Jardine and Elton John would hang together in the studios cutting freelance tracks in between their own sessions. The second clip is from the masters themselves doing it as only they can. Dig Carl shredding solo. Note: later this summer we will post clips of Dave going back to the old neighborhoods in SoCal and talking about the dude who showed him and Carl how to play the Chuck Berry riff they later made famous on Surfin USA. Go rock yourself silly baby. Go!
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Here Comes The Who
Green Day tributes the Ramones in this clip to get you revved up with some bangin hard rock in the ten days and less countdown to The Who! Come back soon for clips of The Who.
Friday, May 1, 2015
There's Hope In That Hop
Since April showers cause May flowers we want to promote all the flora we can, so here is an episode entitled Wet Hare that has mainly to do with water conservation and flowers and carrots and such...oh yes and rabbits too, we can't forget about rabbits, and so because of that, this goes out to our good friend Robert and all lovers of comedy and dams and explosions and such, and if YOU have a request, don't forget to use the comments to file your request and moving on we have a solid rocker called Magic Power because you want, no, you NEED to rock out and remember if you use the word AND continuously in a sentence over and over you can run one continuous sentence literally to infinity which is a long long way out there in the haze, you know?
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
The Bluish Greenish Tinge of it all
Spring will become summer. And how delightful that is. It's coming our way. Here's a little midnight surprise from the Milkshake team while we're up and hangin' with our good buddy Dick Biondi and rockin' with his midnight radio show on 94.7 WLS fm. He's the original Rock n Roll DJ and still rockin' 60 years on. Go Dick Go! Now play this cool eye-opener in the ever-warming sunshine from Antonio Carlos Jobim. Captain Bacardi! And that's all we need say! Let's let April's froth fizz off and bubble right out til it becomes May.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Hello World
If we flash-forward, well, isn't it time travel then? So what is it if we flash-back? Isn't it merely another 'form' of time travel as well? You decide. We can't. But good news, our staff is back at the Milkshake command center doin' what they do. We set our crack crew on the task of giving you some summer feel-good tunages. Here's what they discovered surfing the 'inter-tubal super-thruway'. A weekend two-fer for all you-fer. Thanks John and The Runaways for all the cherry bomb firecrackers flyin' in the air n poppin' in our ears. (Admit it, who doesn't like to see women rockin' out in lingerie, and who for the love of god doesn't enjoy the shredding from the "Fox That Rocks" Lita Ford?!). Yum!
PS we noticed thousands (yes thousands) of you came by to check us out a couple weeks ago. That has never happened. And you seem to keep a-coming. So welcome....and dunka....and merci....and have a good ol time ya hear. Now go play the tunes, think of good ol 70s summer memories and good ol a.m. transistor radio at the beach, and double clutch popsicles and of course....fireworks....ahhh yes....especially cherry bombs!
Friday, April 17, 2015
try a lil flying

Saturday, April 11, 2015
learn from the ocean
April shouldn't be anything more special than any other month. Yet it's called environmental awareness month. How 'bout we just always be conscious of our world all the time. We put feet to pavement recently and walked our block again this year, and found the usual garbage people decided to decorate the world with. Thank you people! And we noted the usual 80 percent of tobacco products leading the way as the most items discarded. Thank you again human race! Muchas gracias!! And the april rain showers help wash everything into a noticeable little pile of humanity. Water does that. It equalizes. It humbles. NASA helps us remember that water is prevalent not only on 70 percent of earth but on other moons as well....Europa, Titan, etc. We live on islands here on earth. And we love the ocean from which all life springs. So lets tip a cap to Jacques Cousteau and his spirit of discovery in the seas and his magical ship that took us places never before seen. Remember when we watched his adventures?! He paved the way for all nature geeks to come after. So thanks Jacques! Thanks earth! Thanks water! And thanks ocean for the awe you inspire. Fly Calypso....
Sunday, April 5, 2015
50,000 Krankeits of voltage up your kilt
We will double you up on this first post of April. Soften up your day with The Rascals and then get your Bugs fix with Piker's Peak from 1957. Enjoy it all. Note: why does Sam get so crazy all the time???
Monday, March 30, 2015
Get Happy, Get Back and Stand Tall
Milkshakers rejoice! We have stumbled past the perimeter, snuk past the guard dogs, and found the light switch in the tower of power at our central offices and lit up the computer banks and terminals. We don't have staff yet. But we are back sweetheart and better than ever. We'll come to you soon with more pop culture weirdness from youtube, more tunages and more of what you love about us. Hi there. Good to see you. Dust off your komono and get ready for another year of fun, milkshake style. Adios for the moment. See you in April....and soon. Vaya con dios!
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