Good morning!
Welcome to a brave new world!
Here on The Milkshake anything goes. We're promoting music, art, design, photography, the written word and all kinds of games, mind-bending puzzles, current events, career resources and, of course our favorite cold, sweet treat....the glorious milkshake!
I'm glad you guys are finding your way over here. Make sure to blog your comments galore and share whatever it is you feel you need to share with me. (You know I'm laughing already, donchya!)
A little terminology....let's call us bloggers over here "Shakes" for short. How do you like that? If something else appeals to you, let er rip and tell me. Already I've noticed a couple of Shakes are following along. That's maximum cool. C'mon and sign on, it's gonna be a fun ride.
I'm planning quite a few features to roll out over the coming weeks. Things such as: "The Scoop" for latest environmental awareness type of news; and good ol "Gamers" will appear with tips on cool gaming sites; "The Blender" for all sorts of ridiculous randomness; "Net-Heads" for anything internet related; and a bunch of other stuff for kids of all ages. There'll be lots of surprises along the way and I'm going to try and work out some sort of nice "Links" section with all sorts of crazy gunk.
Finally, throw me an idea of your own and for god-sakes get involved. Don't sit on your hands around here. This place is for playing music, whistling while you work and play, and sharing all the good stuff that makes life what it is—a glorious roller-coaster ride filled with death-defying turns and white-knuckle, gut-wrenching dips and spins....okay, okay, I'm getting wound up....but we love every second of it on it here on The Milkshake don't we?
Now we're gonna get this thing shakin, baby. Set your fun meter to off-the-hook. Leave a comment, leave a rant, but make sure to bookmark us.
FRIDAY ALERT——Stop by tomorrow for our very first "Dial it up to 11, Shake Rattle n' Roll Friday music special". (Rolls right off the tongue doesn't it?) And post your requests.
Shakes (you know who you are): It's about time to switch the blender on high, so to speak, load up your favorite ice cream, as it were, and pour the chocolate sauce, in a manner of speaking, and get in the mix at The Milkshake. Rock on y'all!
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