So you say you're looking for some hot gaming sites? Well, sip a nice refreshing beverage and cool off because this probably isn't the place. However, here's a few spots you might just wanna go check out when your not busy inventing cold fusion or solving global heating or whatever it is you do between sunrise and sunset.
Gamers, dive in and tell us what you think....— —
mindjolt.com There is a whole host of stuff on here. I've only played scramball2 and it's got great techno-pop music for a simple timed puzzle game.
playpacman.net will get you those wonderfully slow retro classics like little frogger (my favorite) and the pill-eating star himself, the man of 'pac'.
radicalplay.com might scare you at first but hang in there and try out 'need for madness'. It sort if defies physics and that's perfectly okay because what are physics, really, but silly mumbo-jumbo invented by scientists to show us how brainy they are. Right? Need for madness will dispel all those "laws of phyics" and, be warned, may get you hooked for a long time. (I know people who just can't stop playing—and crashing—and playing—and laughing—and playing still more.)
Here's their corporate message from the game's first page: "And we are never going to find the new unless we get a little crazy"
yahoo.com If you are looking for me on any interactive games, keep an eye out for my handle 'trb4320' in the yahoo games, deuces wild section late nights mostly on Fridays or Saturdays. Also I've been known to be spotted now and then out on 'Big Kahuna Reef' .
facebook.com Play something called mafia wars. This is an interactive game where you carry out hits, fight, and get gifts from the mafioso. Thanks Notley for inviting me to play. I need to build up my crew so come on over and join. You liked fenced goods don't you?....who doesn't?!
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