Thoughts: being on vacation you tend to have a good time and then you tend to people watch. There was no shortage of either down in the southeastern portion of the sunshine state. Number one thought: the ocean is awesome and no images can capture it fully. Number two: there is something about a climate where there is no seasonal change that drives residents a little batty. Some of the folks we met were awesome but some we simply described as "baked" for a myriad of reasons. I am glad to return to "the north" and I look forward to the autumnal season and eventually winter. (I happen to love snow and all winter sports.)
Some further thoughts: The Manatees are awesome, especially when they swim past you so effortlessly in the water. The sea turtles are incredible when you see the hatchlings scrambling to get to the sea at night; and when you come across a giant mamma turtle under the moonlight crawling up on the beach to lay eggs. I saw a relatively small one—which was about as big as a coffee table and weighing about 400 pounds-come up for a visit on our last night and a few lucky late-night observers witnessed an incredible sight in nature. It was like being on a Nature Documentary tv show.
Have a great weekend everybody!
love the pictures and the tales.