THE OCHO—not being a movie critic, I am only one opinion, but the flick Dodgeball is just a hoot. And it's on espn 8, "the ocho". Best line: 'you are about to witness the greatest spectacle in sport, sudden death dodgeball'....Hilarious. There's nothing better than a good pseudo-sports movie. Can any of us deny the grandeur of Caddyshack or The Big Lebowski?
SPARE ME—Question I overheard in a grocery line the other day...."So what are you doing with your spare time these days?" That struck me...."Spare time" .... now there is a nonsequitor. If you have any, blog and tell us all floating here in the great blogosphere what it feels like!
....and speaking of spare time (that was my weakly weak seque)....
GIVETH UPETH—this is not Latin so relax. I'd never hit you with any of that Socratesian stuff here on the milkshake. The question of the week is.....(cue big trumpet section) do you donate your time or effort? Paul Newman, god rest his soul, had his salad dressing. McDonalds has its RMH, or Ronald McDonald House, which is pretty neat (I've worked at a few of them making dinners and it is very rewarding to help families and kids hospitalized far from their home.) Are you into RePower America and all that? How about the environment? Save the whales? Or just picking up trash in your neighborhood? Are you a giver of your time to volunteer projects in your community? (So many of you walk for a cause or donate food at the holidays.)
Tell us about those worthy organizations we should pay attention to and help out if we can. As Dickens said the saddest thing (paraphrasing) is to watch people who want to help others but have lost the power to do so. While we're here on the ol blue marble let's make a difference in someone's life. I'm sure you do. Tell us. Maybe you can spark others to join in.
Okay that's my socially redeeming message. I can now scratch that off my decade-at-a-glance list.
DODGY—randomness continues....back to the flick....if you love dodgeball press F1 on your keyboard. If you don't love it then don't press F1.
I see a lot of F1iness coming in!