We'll make great pets
--I don't know if this is science/philosophy or rock/poet speak.
It doesn't really matter.
In a hundred years who will care? (It was a Sinatra song lyric. No credit here.)
Yes, the milkshake is a uni-tasker, not a multi-tasker. Some of you old-schoolers, who go back to the 'Insider' days know this already.
But I though I'd combine geek science with some rock tonight. So sue me!

This is just so cool I had to post it. It's the voyager I and II ships on the outer fringes of our solar system. (Apologies for being such a small photo. Go to jpl to find a bigger image. Scroll down blog for 'Cool Sites' on right side of blog.)
Voyager One and Two both carry the golden record which is sort of a travel brochure for aliens who might find the ships in a million years.
The Voyager ships are in the bow shock region of the solar system.
Do you know what that is? No matter. They are a long damn way away. They are really far, far away. Probably lonely out there but they carry our humanity with them. So I guess we got that going for us--which is, you know, nice!
Here is a close-up of what Voyager looks like out there approaching interstellar space:

So think of Voyager One and Two once in awhile. They are the first piece of humanity to leave the solar system and truly go where no man (or woman) has gone before. (stole that from Star Trek. Again, no credit here.)
Also note: the photos are courtesy of JPL laboratories in Pasadena. (For the third time, no credit taken by the milkshake. I am largely a fake aren't I?)
Just to mount more geeky science blather onto this long post (while the blog bandwidth warning lights and pings are going off), I wanna say that Futurama's double-episode opener went down like gangbusters with a really impressively high fan rating. I gave it high marks myself. Well done to you writers and creatives!
Okay, now some rock n roll....
For the love of god turn this sucker up to 11. The Ventures riff their rear-ends off on House of the Rising Sun.
What really caught my attention was Mel on drums.
This is the guy I learned drums from.
Jeez this took me back to the fall and winter of 1977 and my drum teacher and all those Mel Taylor drum studies "ah-one-ee-and-ah-two-ee" and I forevermore say it when I hear drums and it is the truth. He is my drum god. Listen to the master. Mel is the truth.
I tried piano for awhile. Then drums for a year and then started a band for one summer after that-1978, my rock summer. Thank you Mel for giving me rock n roll.
Then again, a 100 years from now, who will really care?
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