Have a favorite summer movie? Going to see anything new in the theatres? Blog and tell us. The only thing I'm even remotely interested in seeing right now is probably the newest Transformers movie which opens June 24.
Do you enjoy any of those old horror movies? Frankenstein? The Wolf-Man? How about Abbott and Costello Meet The Killer Boris Karloff? Makes me think of the old Creature Features on Saturday nights. Man did that opening squence creep me out as a kid! But I never missed it!
Share your favorite summer flicks with us and comment. (In case you haven't bothered with it yet, it's easy. You just select anonymous from the drop-down list or else name and then type your message. There's a step they added where you type their code they give you which takes all of five seconds. That's it. Pretty simple stuff.)
C'mon, let's hear from you guys, you've been way too quiet. (Don't make me come over and drag you out of your house!) Peaches? Redbird? Big Bob? K? A? LT? BeBe? M? Shadow? And many others. Check in and tell us what's up with your summer? And what your taste is in summer movie fare?
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