Feed Your Science GEEk—
There are more planets out there beyond Pluto. (Which is now considered to be a "lesser" planet—it lost its planet cred! Whew, talk about getting rejected, maaaan, kicked out of the whole solar system! Damn!....poor little Pluto!) Anyway, this one is something called, um, new planet. I'm not really sure what the name is so if you know tell us.
Do you have a little space-wonder inside of you? I do. I confess I am slightly science geeky and own an eight-inch Dobsonian (that's a telescope). It's taken over my garage. But that's okay we don't park our jalopies in there anyway! Do you have a telescope? Blog and tell me what you check out. Keep it on-message! I don't want to hear about your failed attempts to peer into the Vasser shower room on Friday night! I know you've dived into the craters on the moon, but have you checked out Saturn and Jupiter? They are awesome in the summer.
Science websites are all over the place in the geekdom. There's NASA and there's JPL. Also there is Stardust, which anyone can be a part of. You have to sign up and pass a test and then you can become a "Duster", helping scientists identify particles of a comet brought back by the ship Stardust. It flew through the tale of a comet about five years ago and returned to earth with star stuff lodged in a material carried onboard called aerogel which is like 'liquid smoke' and trapped this star stuff. All very cool. (I've been involved since its 2006 as a Duster, which means you examine slides under a microscope trying to locate this star stuff for further scientific study.) Go check it out if you need to feed your inner Sagan.
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