Went out early this morning long before dawn and in the sparklingly beautiful dark sky scoped out banded Jupiter and it's four biggest moons. Personally your humble blogger can't wait for the day we go for that baby, esp the moon Europa. Five miles of ice covering a methane ocean 50 miles deep. FIFTY MILES DEEP! Think about that a sec. Listen, I'm naming that ocean right now and you know what it is going to be called so don't even try to claim-jump me. Hey, what do you suppose is down deep in there in the depths of a 50-mile deep ocean??? I mean how big are those europan tuna gonna get?.... Also this morn time was taken in the pre-dawn coolness to check the Milkshake transmitter and all was spiffy. So here is some fresh news....

This is Curiosity Rover up on Mars beginning to revv up and roll and snapping a shot of Mount Sharp (which it is going to climb eventually). Hmmmm, just wondering if the Chicago Blackhawks NHL star winger Patrick Sharp gave his a-ok to use his name on Mars? If there is a problem NASA, I'd be happy to swap my name for his. I'm right here for ya JPL, if you need a name.... While we're talking space an RIP and proud salute to Neil Armstrong who passed away!
Anyone else heading out to see The Fixx later tonight as they headline at Skokie's Backlot Bash? Remember when MTV played music? And videos were so random.
Here's that video everyone is going nuts about the last 48 hours. Watch Curiosity whip on down to the surface of Mars. Hey did anyone else besides me get a little dizzy as it pitches and yawls toward those craters below?....Whoa!....whoa....whoa I said....steady down....aaaaaaaaaaaaaand....dust up!
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