Only the tip of the cartoonberg offered here....but we're kicking off a weekend of toonopia. They'll be more to come--in just a few hours--as we'll have some Saturday morning old school cartoon pleasure, complete with music, music, music. Wake up with the Milkshake blog and 'Looney-Tune-in' early to blog over a bowl of cereal. Scooby-dooby-doo!

Photo of Ray, Chelveston and Cuddly Dudley. Great way to start the mornings. Maaaaaaan he could crank out the cartoons, baby! Ray knew what we liked. Prayers were sent to the gods that he would pull the little note marked 'bugs' off his shirt before seven hours of living hell, uh, that is, catholic school started! Personal Milkshake blog insider stuff: this blogger used to swim in Ray's pool. Chelveston was his pet and swam in the pool too! No kidding. Nice clean cute little duck.


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