Monday, May 24, 2010

water n oil

On May 22, a NASA satellite took this images of the gulf showing the oil spill in light blue. Also some smoke from from an attempt at burning off the spill. The sandy area is the ol Miss delta. 

Friday, May 21, 2010


Here's the final Dial it to 11 Friday.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wasn't it once 'Fundileeicious'? Why can't it now be 'ice-creamtastic'

This sign makes you want DQ, doesn't it?

Admit it.

Ok now what are you gonna order?
Are you a :

Dipped cone




....and what is your choice of size?

This tells us quite a bit about you. If you order a safety cone small vanilla you must be a meek, gentle, non-risk-taker. If you order a swirl, you are open to new things. If you order a dipped you enjoy the finer things in life. If you order a blizzard you are a fortune hunter who like challenges. If you order a milkshake you are a person of action.

If you order a large you want it all and must live large. (And maybe BE large too.)

the P word

Ramones treatment of a song, shock, is a gimme

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

you'll write me again this time?

Beach Boys trivia....

Dennis was the only surfer.

Brian was nearly deaf in one ear.

Pet Sounds was considered the greatest album ever made by Sir Paul. The Who agreed.

You know they almost changed their name to "Beach" in the late 70s to be more hip?

Brian was so pissed at capitol records in the early 70s he taped recorded one word answers on cassette and played those responses in meetings. (Not talking himself.) Some of the words were four letters long. Can you guess any of them?

Brian, Bruce, Mike, Al are still out there jamming (not together, but in various bands). RIP Dennis and Carl.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Any, any

Lads rock it 60s style.

Monday, May 17, 2010


the song is frank sinatra.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Triction Of It

One person emailed me to ask me to please not stop the music. Awwwww! That was schooo schweeet! But most of you probably don't care anymore. So I'm still going to shut the music off. To that one person I'd say this: just go to youtube and type in the song you want, believe me, it'll be on there.

Now on to today's business...


Yes, words.

They are getting blended more and more.

We've had splendiferous for some time; and we've had ginormous for a decade. Now we seem to have webtastic and blogonomy. If you got any combos share them. Like, for instance, truth and fiction.

Asta la bye-bye.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Whistle While You (Avoid) Work

SONGSTERS———Do you have a song you'd like to hear?

Make a request and I'll play it (if I can find it in my stax o wax.

I think I'm going to take down the music portion of the blog in the coming weeks. (I'll still play the occasional video plus music but I will cease my own tunes thru hipcast.)

So....get your request in soon if you want to hear something. Shut down date will probably by the beginning of June. (I'll try to rock hard in the weeks leading up to it.)

Want some CAKE?  I got it.  How bout some Joe Walsh? Can do. Maybe a little Supersuckers, or Buffett, or possibly some oldies or 70s or punk? Maybe you feel the need to hear some jazz?  Let me know before it's all over.

MOVIEGOERS———Oh....anybody see the flick Pirate Radio?  It's funky and groovy and it rocks like mad! Watched it recently and I give it a thumbs up just cause of the rock n roll spirit it gives off.

WEBHEADS———I'll update my 'cool sites' soon. Watch for an unusual and pretty nifty role-playing blog I've found too. It's dark and mysterious and absurdly funny (which is the best kind).