Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What is it about water?

Hot or cold, whatever your feelings, this one will make you think of the ocean.

Do you think we have some hard-wired primordial yearning to return to the surf where once we came?

A science show once explained that, if you really look at the situation closely, planet-wise, the continents are really just islands amidst a water planet.

From space we are a little tiny blue marble.

The oceans of planet earth may not be the deepest oceans in the solar system. On Europa, an ice-covered moon of Jupiter, there is most likely an ocean under the surface ice that is up to 50 or 70 miles deep. 50 OR 70 MILES DEEP.

For reference: our deepest trench in the pacific ocean, the Challenger deep, is about 7 miles.


(wanted to shout that again....felt good!)

1 comment:

  1. Makes you want to go down to Florida sit on the beach and sip on a cold, cool drink...
