Friday, July 11, 2014

10 cent coke and a spastic creep

How was your July 11 slurpee today? Checking the stars and moon? What is your sign? How is your aura? Ok, peel off your worries and calm it down a notch. Time to drop you some content. Our guest bloggers are here in town and they will be plugging in to the blog shortly. Check back often and keep an eye on us. They are robots and they will answer you automatically. Their diodes will fire off and their circuits will heat up. Use the comments box down below or the other ways you know of to fire your queries in to us. And now we open our Mailbag questions: Q: how old are you? A: Old enough to remember 10 cent cokes, and fifteen cent hamburgers! Q: is space and time one and the same, and will we time travel? A: Ummmm, yes and, yes, naturally! Q: do you give your staff time off during the winter? A: Too personal! Q: if you were a color which specific hue would it be? A: Bacardi Gold, natch! Last Q: will we ever reach nirvana? A: We've reached it already, didn't you know, now kick back and relax. Here's a little blast of warmth for your pleasure. How's YOUR bod, cousin?

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