Monday, June 11, 2012

You're Dogged

Driving up Sheridan today I saw this dog approaching the corner from the east. No leash. No collar. All alone. He wasn't a cur. He was a short-haired something-or-other, a firm 60 pounds, clean, sleek, brown, probably some kind of pointer. He looked like he knew where he was going. He really caught my eye. He wasn't hurrying but he wasn't dawdling either and there was no owner in sight. He veered away from people strolling, not in a weird way, he just had places to go. His head was up and his eyes were straight ahead. He reached the corner where there sat a brownstone building at this busy intersection in Chicago near Roger's Park and the lakefront. Now can you guess what he did next? This won't be a multiple choice or anything like that. Just blog your guesses in the comments below and I'll get back to you with another post at the end of the week. Do you think when he reached the corner he turned up the sidewalk and went on his way? Or do you think he reached the corner and decided to pull an about-face and go back east toward the lake looking maybe for his owner? Or maybe he simply sat down at the corner and waited for the stoplight to change so he could cross with the light? Or maybe he didn't wait for the light to change at all and instead boldly risked everything with a charge! Or did he, instead, do something completely unpredictable? (And no, he didn't go to the bathroom.) Ok, this is a multiple-choice after all, but it's summer and we do start to free-wheel it don't we? Maybe he did the incredible, and defied gravity and unrolled his ears to ten-times their length and flapped until he lifted off into the sky? Take your best guess in the comments below and I'll report back probably around Friday or Saturday. Heads up on upcoming topics I'm going to blog about soon: Futurama Returns for a New Season June 20th. Will include: Pics, quotes, schedules, yada-yada. Geekometers go off the scale: bloggers chalk-talk science/nature nerdoromics. Cal-Tech, JPL, Stardust. Gaming On-line? Where are you hanging out this summer? Share it for other Gamers. And lets not forget our namesake....any new Milkshake places to talk about? Let us all in on it.

1 comment:

  1. I think he headed for a milkshake (vanilla ice cream w/chocolate syrup)!
