Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Don't Blink--We're 236 Yrs Old, But We're Young At Heart And Our Skyrockets Are Still Flying!

Time flies. Here we are on independence day USA. You made it again. We made it again. Someone special who's been around rocking for a long time keeps rocking every night on the radio here in Chicago. With Dick Clark's passing earlier this year I think it makes him even more special. He's in the rock n roll hall of fame. He introduced the beatles to america. He is the wild Itralian--the dickster--Dick Biondi! Check him out. He's a good guy. The genuine article. I've met him and spoke to him a few times and he's a down to earth guy who is just a great guy to know. Dick Biondi can be heard every weekday night from 11 pm to 2 am CST. He's rockin away on 94.7 WLS and you can get hear him thru the internet too. Speaking of internet when was your first time? You know...when did you do it? Try it? When did you give it up? I recall some vague newspaper article archiving deal in the late 80s but it wasn't until the early 90s that the so-called information superhighway beckoned to me and I answered--and thus entered the slow lane via some crazy thing known as America Online. Ahhhh memories. I received a certificate that stated I was one of the first 50,000 people on the planet to be registered on the internet. (whatever THAT was???) It was dated July 4, 1992! Twenty years ago! Blink. In honor of 4th of July, and Dick Biondi, and my internet plunge, and especially in honor of all you milkshake bloggers who keep coming back to read me, here's a little comparison rock n roll called THEN AND NOW with some patriotic overtones. I'm sort of lifting this idea from Jodi (check out which she used to call 'Then and Now' back in the day when she blogged regularly. First the 'THEN' part....Remember the summer of '76?....the bicentennial? Well here is what was hot that fourth of July and all that month of July back THEN, gifted by the Starland Vocal Band.... And in about 2004--let's call it the NOW portion of the feature--here's what Will Ferrell and the gang did with the tune in Anchorman....

1 comment:

  1. I pick the the then version of Afternoon Delight.
